Poetry and prose by Boris Pasternak as interpreted by American slavists.



The review considers the American and Russian Slavic studies on diverse aspects of the poetry and the prose by Boris Pasternak. L.S. Flaishman focuses on the early period of the Boris Pasternak creative work, on the autobiographical motifs in the poem «August» and on the first publication of poems from the novel «Doctor Zhivago» – «Stichi is Rossii» (Poems from Russia) in the journal «Grani» (Facets). K.М. Polivanov and K.M.F. Platt discuss the revolution theme in the poems by Pasternak included into his poetical cycle «Bolezn’» (Disease). А.K. Zholkovsky draws parallels between Pasternak’s prewar poems and the novel «Doctor Zhivago».


B.L. Pasternak; Slavic researchеs of the USA; «Doctor Zhivago»; «tamizdat»; philosophy; Russian history; poetics; structure; symbolism.

DOI: 10.31249/lit/2021.04.07

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