«The Mountain Giants» by Luigi Pirandello in Russia: translators’ readings and theatrical reception.



The article briefly discusses the history of the creation and staging of the last unfinished play by Luigi Pirandello «Mountain Giants» (1936) in Italy. The main focus is on staging and interpretation of Pirandelloʼs play in Russia, namely on the E. Kamenkovich and P. Agureeva 2014 production at the Moscow Theater «Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko», for which a new translation of the play into Russian was prepared. The comparative analysis of the text of Pirandello's play in Italian and the video record of the performance at the «Peter Fomenkoʼs Workshop» was carried out, which aim is to identify peculiarities of this Russian translation and changes made by the producers while staging the Pirandelloʼs play for the Russian-speaking audience, as well as to understand how the directors overcome the problem of the missing ending.


drama; Italian drama; «The mountain giants» by Luigi Pirandello; production.

DOI: 10.31249/lit/2021.01.07

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